Why @sirdeejames-blacklives.
We strive to provide our customers with the highest level of service possible while ensuring quality products and services.
Our team consists of experienced professionals who specialize in various areas such as digital marketing, project management, public speaking and computer cloud sales 101.

Empowering Black Lives Through Education

Certified Project Manager
Our team is comprised of certified project managers who specialize in professional project management. With our expertise, we can help you create a successful plan for any project, ensuring that each step is achieved efficiently and on time. We have the experience and knowledge to ensure that your project is completed with the highest quality standards possible.
Public Speaker Certified
Our public speaking certified professionals are experienced in delivering engaging presentations and speeches on various topics. Whether you need help developing an effective speech or delivering it to an audience, our team has the knowledge and skill required to make sure your message resonates with your audience.
Digital marketing DIGO
We offer digital marketing packages tailored to meet the needs of our clients. Our team specializes in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, social media campaigns and website design & development. With our expertise, we can help you create an effective online presence that will reach more potential customers than ever before.
Whether you need help promoting your business or simply want a better understanding of the digital landscape we have the knowledge and expertise required to make it happen! We take pride in providing an inclusive environment for all individuals regardless of race or gender identity.
"@SirDeeJames-BlackLives has been an invaluable resource for my business. Their team of experienced professionals provided me with exceptional customer service, project management and marketing solutions to help me reach my goals. Highly recommend!"
Sarah C.
"I had the pleasure of working with @SirDeeJames-BlackLives recently and was really impressed by their commitment to diversity in the workplace and their dedication to providing quality services for all customers. Highly recommend!"
John H.
"@SirDeeJames-BlackLives is a top notch company that offers outstanding customer service and product delivery. They have helped me so much in developing my business and I would highly recommend them!"
Joe D.
"I've been using @SirDeeJames-BlackLives for several years now and they have always gone above and beyond what I expected! Highly recommend their services."
Anna W.
"@SirDeeJames-BlackLives has been a great asset when it comes to growing our business! Their team of experienced professionals provide us with everything we need from marketing plans to project management solutions. Highly recommend them!"
Lee M.
"The level of expertise offered by @SirDeeJames-BlackLives is simply amazing! They are truly dedicated to customer satisfaction, providing quality products and services every time you work with them."
Emily K.
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